Saturday, February 12, 2011

dee page one

im starting on this today. i have alot of ideas. after the 'blizzard' of arkansas, after living out of  3 bags, (all my worldly junk) i made it home, got stuck in my driveway, but i was so thankful to be home, i didnt care if i got stuck in the driveway. watched stuff like american idol on dvr with my wonderful husband and dogs, so i had a great homecoming. but this morning, one of our pipes busted under our home, and water was everywhere but im not worried, still happy .haha


Laif Copy-Writing Company said...

Hello again. Nice picture! Can really feel the cold from that photo. LOL So I am now wondering how old you are? What kind of dogs do you have. I like what you said about not caring when something troubling happens, like the pipe breaking. It is a very valuable trait to have, to stay positive in annoying situations.

dee42 said...

Paige-- I have 2 small dogs, a chihuahua, and a mut. My husband works nights and they do their best to protect me, or at least to sound the alarm. Do you have any pets?