Sunday, May 22, 2011

a little about Canary Castle

         Kit drew a picture and was coloring it, but that's what a nine year old would  do.Dr. Reggie looked over her shoulder and smiled. It was a bright castle, with yellow birds. Kit had wrote the words  CANARY CASTLE                     'Why canary castle?"the young doctor asked, still smiling.     Kit Browning looked up into the rafters and said with  a dreamy voice, "Once I had a yellow canary....."    It all dawned to Reggie that it was a happy picture, not a nightmarish hell that in reality that's what it should of been, with wild black and purple scribbled drawing .No, it was bright,cheerful,and sunny...topped off with a rainbow and pretty yellow birds flying.           Yes it was Canary Castle and through child's eyes, she finally had hope.            
                                                                                They were all locked away,imprisoned from the rest of the world, in a abandoned asylum-castle on a deserted island. Once they were all strangers, but they must live how to survive as a community, and learn how to fight for their lives, at the whim of a crazy man.

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