Sunday, August 7, 2011

As I'm Driving.....

           I like to drive,unless its raining really hard or when there is ice on the road. I dont talk on the my cell or text while  driving. Even tho I have hands free blu tooth(who I tend to fuss at, I know its not human, but give me a break, I hate that lady jetsons-robot voice) and I have a app that tells me where the cops are, not that I would speed or anything like that. I dont get that many calls anyway, unless someone wants something( you know what I mean?) It is a 45 minute drive more or less that I commute in the morning and I do that again in the afternoon. Its the morning that I get these ideas. I have small rough drafts of stories that I entertain myself sort-of and thats when I find out that someone either lives(in my stories), or a song comes on the radio, and I find out a certain character decided to break up with her husband,or even Ive had a brand new person come into a story, and I would think to myself, 'Where did you come from?' To me, writing a story, it comes alive somewhere, and it kinda 'cooks',or bubbles,ferments, it kinda sits there, in your mind, heart and soul, and these characters have a mind of their own, and most of the time, I the writer dont even know what my 'people' are going to do. On one story which is really intense, I let the characters have full reign, yeah, I know, but they are like children, you give birth, but they have their own personality and individuality,but simular to children, they are free, the mother of the creation of them holds her breath, and hope they fly because they are free to start with, you the mother hope for the best, ruin or be acomplished and you want  everything great for that child (a story). I joke to my friends and family that when I get up @ 4 in the morning, its a clean slate, fresh, ready to write, but when I drive, that slate is hot-on-the-press, ready to go, creative juices still flowing. I have pulled into the parking lot at my job, and jot down what I had been thinking about. I have dreamed of an idea also. I havent been driving too long in my adult life, like 6 yrs now, still learning, but with the combination of driving and crafting my universe forever blooms and I hope it never ceases. Drive happy and be Safe, with love, Dee Guthrey 

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