Saturday, August 20, 2011


Here I am, it's after midnight and we are in bed. My husband is beside me, I have my chihuahua Josie in-between us, they are asleep, and I have a good romance novel in my hand. Usually my husband Tony has to work, he was off tonight, and it all dawned on me that I am SO blessed! I closed my eyes awhile ago and prayed 'Thank you'. That's pretty much it for right now, but I missed y'all.
Be safe, love Dee Guthrey


Laif Copy-Writing Company said...

Hello, Dee, very interesting photo featured above! Is it of people you know? Thanks so much for the feedback on my own blogs. I really appreciate it! --Paige

dee42 said...

Paige-- my mom did our family tree, our family ect. Of course, she traced it back so well, that somehow she found out that her kin bushwacked my dad's kin, he still teases her to this day. Go figure, uh?