Saturday, November 12, 2011


I dont
have Road Rage, it's more like driving with Road Aggravation. I drive to and from work for a good 45 minutes. Then I take a back highway, so I see a lot of interesting things along the way. I talk out loud. I'll give you a few samples....
"I hate YOU blu-tooth chick!"(on no hands phone thang in my car)
"Detour?!".     "Sorry."(after running over a squirrel).         "Ahhhhh!!!!"     ( head lights shine on a Zombie looking man on side of the road).             "No! Not  YOU again, I'm late!"(bicycle man that doesn't pull over).                "Thank-You for the blinker!" (there was no blinker).       "Dude!!!".        "Nice truck.". ( nice truck).         "Get off my butt!!".       "Yeah, let me blink my lights,  A cop is back is back there."       . "Come on, you piece of crap.".(talking to my car)   "Come on, Baby, that's it."(talking to my car)

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