Sunday, July 31, 2011


        Her name was Alta Mae Wood Oxford Montgomery, but I called her grandma. I can't say on it all started with this, even tho I think about her alot, it all began with a sound. I was outside with the gals at a family reunion,(I'm non smoker) and there it was...'SNAP'. Very subtle but powerful. It was the sound of a zippo lighter shutting. I remember that I turned my head, unbeknowst to them, I was searching, for what I don't know. Maybe for a split second in my mind I thought she would be sitting there, maybe I was searching for memories, maybe it was a sign. But that little 'snap' and the smell of butane, it all made me happy. Grandma was a heavy smoker and she smelt of cigarettes,zippo,and peppermint. It  dawned on me I was unconsciously SEEKING for her, I know, that sounds crazy, like for instance, there is a neighbor with long thick pretty nails always polished,and when I talk to her I tend to gaze at the nails like Grandma.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hey, Fuzzy Britches!!! (yes, love Shawshank)

                What is sexy? All of us have different tastes and opinions. Welch here is sexy. And yes I have had a few moments in the sun also...only a few.(in my opinion). And the last time I got whistled at was at a stop light downtown, and my hair was all up in big curlers, I think I had been walking at the track, you know, doing something... good. I was stopped and there it was. A big how-do-ya-do wolf whistle!  I could of just died!!  And I could of did the middle finger salute, but I don't do that either (Dee's law).  Like I heard it said ' nobody likes a smart- *#@^   I hope I haven't grown into a Prude, not sure what that is but my mother has said it before like a bad word when I was growing up. I would be on my way to church, this is what I would hear, 'Be a Lady,dear.' and 'Not too much make-up '.'Oh,Dee,you need a slip under that dress' I took her advice, but as soon as went to get a slip on (because I forgot it) Dad would ask me to 'Go kill the water moccasin  that was on the bank of the pond', Here I was, slip-less,with the hot Arkansas summer breeze a'blowin', looking thru the sight of a .22 rifle aiming at a big snake, thinking of my bible lesson.    I always thought that I had the best of both worlds, being a lady when it counts and being a good shot when it counts. A girl just never knows.                    A young girl especially, luckily after some good solid guide lines, she is on her own. I would sit in front of my mirror at 15 and 16 and wondered if I was even PRETTY. I would watch movies like One  million years B.C. with Raquel Welch  and then I would wonder 'what's up, lord... I don't get it', I just figured it was like a bad joke that I couldn't understand. But that was Okay cause I was watchin' the guys play pool, of course I would out shoot em at shooting cans and bottles. I would wear my brother's football jacket, and sit in the corner(and watch them play foosball) and just be happy. Then I turned 17, that summer something happened. Moma bought me contact lenses, I dyed my long dark hair into strawberry blond. And somehow I had lost some baby fat. And wouldn't ya know it? All the guys wouldn't talk to me! Silly me didn't put 2 and 2 together. So one day I asked a boy my  age and asked  "Why were they all  stopped talking to me",and in his crackly red-neck  voice said  'Cause you turned pretty'.  Uh!                So here I am, with a wonderful husband,fantasic sons,great Mom and Dad, and a job I love. But once in a blue moon, there is a nagging little girl voice that is still sitting in front of that mirrow hoping to grow up to be Fuzzy Britches.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Friday, July 22, 2011

Taking the Plunge into Blogging

                        Blogging is like walking up to a beautiful cliff, spreading your wings and you know ya gotta fly! I have decided to take the plunge to Blog and that's a big deal to me, Im free falling but it feels's freedom, a lightness of soul everyone should feel, to share, to be vunerable, to be a creative person.
    I'm a Newbie to this but that's okay, Its also great that I get to know fellow bloggers, and I hope y'all get to  know me. Maybe I'm a little nervous and I sound pitiful, but I'm BLOGGING by golly!! Here we go,I'm flying by the seat of my pants!                                                

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Josie Cat

 Let me introduce you to Josie Cat Guthrey, (I call her CAT because she looks like a Mere- cat).                     My highlight of a Friday nite is the to get a cup of coffee, turn my police scanner on , and maybe read some dean kootnz, judith mcnaught, get on my iphone for Facebook, twitter(which i dont use very much) and sometimes i write some fiction(formyself) and wait on my husband that works second shift. i love life. my husband walks in, i havent seen him all week ,and before ya know it, its late. i turn my head and josie is looking at me. i asked her "what?" my husband laughs, but she just stares at me. ( like im stupid ) I say"do you want to go to bed?" she just perks her ears up more and stares. i tell her she needs to go to hollywood with all that 'drama'. so we go to bed. i know, exciting, right?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mondays vs. Tuesdays

Most people hate Mondays, but I hate Tuesdays. Okay, by Monday rolls around I'm happy that I even HAVE a job,period. Yes, it's a shock, but Somehow I've braced myself and I'm focused. You have to be when you're in shock, ha. Tuesday, well everything seems to go wrong, the dust has settled, my guard is down ( sort-to-speak) and I haven't rested like I should so I'm tired. I love my job but Tuesday, uh, ( I'm already thinking about the weekend) B safe, c ya later

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The Neighbors

       I ADORE my neighbors! I love all the people that live around me, but some things that happens are funny to me. The retired couple across from me are great, they have alot of dogs, and those two would anything for anyone. A few years back, my husband got hurt really bad at work, and this lady neighbor always asks about him when I see her in my yard ( mostly when our dogs fight) the other day this happened, and she leaned in close to me and whispered and jerked her head towards my house "How's he doing,dear"     I thought about this later, I thought silently to my self " Oh, didnt you know? He passed away and I buried him in the yard. Actually, youre standing on him now" 

my husband's phone

               My husband and I got in my car to buy groceries, he told me he forgot his cell phone. For some crazy reason, I was THRILLED! I almost got chills. I had him all to myself. Seems like all the time, someone calls him to help them. I told him "The bank is closed, the moving man is out, and so is DR. Phil." He grinned, and so did I!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What Now?

After all the testimony and all the hours of television, all the drama, after the verdict, what now? I am about to go into withdrawal that i haven't seen a good display of crazy theater, and what do I do with all the hurt in my heart about this little girl? All the world went into mourning about Caylee Anthony. We cant turn into hooligans and demand her head...oh yeah, we already done that kinda, and professionals cant get too cocky and gloat either, oh we did that too. It all was so...surreal, a nightmare. One thing I can say that was good that came out of this, was that we Americans came closer, though the media, Face book,Twitter, and we talked and all of us got to know each other, some argued, but at least we ALL loved Caylee. But please, Next Chapter....(I Think)