Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hey, Fuzzy Britches!!! (yes, love Shawshank)

                What is sexy? All of us have different tastes and opinions. Welch here is sexy. And yes I have had a few moments in the sun also...only a few.(in my opinion). And the last time I got whistled at was at a stop light downtown, and my hair was all up in big curlers, I think I had been walking at the track, you know, doing something... good. I was stopped and there it was. A big how-do-ya-do wolf whistle!  I could of just died!!  And I could of did the middle finger salute, but I don't do that either (Dee's law).  Like I heard it said ' nobody likes a smart- *#@^   I hope I haven't grown into a Prude, not sure what that is but my mother has said it before like a bad word when I was growing up. I would be on my way to church, this is what I would hear, 'Be a Lady,dear.' and 'Not too much make-up '.'Oh,Dee,you need a slip under that dress' I took her advice, but as soon as went to get a slip on (because I forgot it) Dad would ask me to 'Go kill the water moccasin  that was on the bank of the pond', Here I was, slip-less,with the hot Arkansas summer breeze a'blowin', looking thru the sight of a .22 rifle aiming at a big snake, thinking of my bible lesson.    I always thought that I had the best of both worlds, being a lady when it counts and being a good shot when it counts. A girl just never knows.                    A young girl especially, luckily after some good solid guide lines, she is on her own. I would sit in front of my mirror at 15 and 16 and wondered if I was even PRETTY. I would watch movies like One  million years B.C. with Raquel Welch  and then I would wonder 'what's up, lord... I don't get it', I just figured it was like a bad joke that I couldn't understand. But that was Okay cause I was watchin' the guys play pool, of course I would out shoot em at shooting cans and bottles. I would wear my brother's football jacket, and sit in the corner(and watch them play foosball) and just be happy. Then I turned 17, that summer something happened. Moma bought me contact lenses, I dyed my long dark hair into strawberry blond. And somehow I had lost some baby fat. And wouldn't ya know it? All the guys wouldn't talk to me! Silly me didn't put 2 and 2 together. So one day I asked a boy my  age and asked  "Why were they all  stopped talking to me",and in his crackly red-neck  voice said  'Cause you turned pretty'.  Uh!                So here I am, with a wonderful husband,fantasic sons,great Mom and Dad, and a job I love. But once in a blue moon, there is a nagging little girl voice that is still sitting in front of that mirrow hoping to grow up to be Fuzzy Britches.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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